Marion van de Voort

About Marion van de Voort

Initiatiefnemer van Stichting Pamoja Kenia. Na een korte vakantie in Kenia werd Marion verliefd op dit land en besloot er constructief een bijdrage te leveren aan de ontwikkeling ervan.

Fashion High Tea

Fashion High Tea You have read it already in the previous newsletter: Caroline Pouw (born in Kenya) has organized a Fashion High Tea in Apeldoorn on September 9. I am extremely pleased and honoured that I received an amount of €750,- for Pamoja for Kenya on that day. What a fantastic initiative by Caroline! With [...]

We did it again!

WE DID IT AGAIN! It hasn’t been raining in Kilifi County between September 2016 and mid-February 2017. The drought was and still is indescribable. Meanwhile, it rained a little. But not enough to grow the vegetation so that people can eat the fruits such as mangos and coconuts. People have died, cattle died, plants [...]


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