Marion van de Voort

About Marion van de Voort

Initiatiefnemer van Stichting Pamoja Kenia. Na een korte vakantie in Kenia werd Marion verliefd op dit land en besloot er constructief een bijdrage te leveren aan de ontwikkeling ervan.

Come and enjoy the Fundraising Evening of Pamoja Kenia

Give clean water to Kenyans Have you already bought a ticket for our benefit evening? It only costs € 30 and for that money you get a lot in return. A delicious welcome drink, good food, an evening in African atmosphere with music and fashion. Several speakers tell about their love and activities for Africa. [...]

Newsletter: Pilot Project Flush, shower and go is done

Pilot project Flush Shower and Go Matsangoni/Kilifi Tradecentre Aproximately 2 years ago I was approached by crowdfunding GetItDone, founded by Hannah Verboom, who herself was born in Kenya. Via Facebook they had seen what I was doing in Kenya and they were very impressed and asked me to submit a project, unfortunately not my existing project [...]


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